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Who are the source of all power,

Whose rays illuminate the world,

Illuminate also my heart

So that it too can do Your work.


Daily Horoscope- Wednesday- Mercury Day 
May 15, 2024
* All times are Atlantic Standard Time

Energetic Overview 


May is one of the loveliest months of the year! The planets are happy for the most part, and they're enjoying a Springtime garden party!

We begin the month with a celebration called Beltane. This is also known as Naked Gardening Day, aka May Day. This is a celebration marking the halfway point of the Spring season. Traditionally, people rose at dawn, collected flowers and green branches from the garden, and decorated the May Pole, their homes, and themselves. Beltane marks the return of vitality, passion, and hopes consummated. This is a fertility festival, honoring masculine and feminine sexuality to continue the cycle of life. This year, it's even more powerful because Venus is in her home chariot, Taurus, and Mars is in his home chariot, Aries! Honor the Divinity with yourself and loved ones, and give thanks!


We have a pretty active month ahead! Pluto is Stationing Retrograde in the early degrees of Aquarius. In September, Pluto will work his way back through Aquarius and re-enter Capricorn for the last time in our lifetimes, remaining there until November. This is the final Capricornian review. Pluto will never return to Capricorn in our lifetimes! This will close out major cycles that began in 2008! Pluto re-enters Aquarius in December. For this month, we are going into review around Pluto in Aquarius, which started this past January! We have a phenomenal New Moon in Taurus on 5/7, which closes out Eclipse Season; thank Goodness! Venus, the ruler of Taurus, is with the New Moon, and the Moon is exalted in Taurus! This New Moon is also close to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction degree, so we get more news about what this conjunction has in store for us! We have Mother's Day on the 12th; take good care of your mom. Mercury will join the Taurus party, wrapping up its retrograde energy and a further wrap on the Eclipse vibes. The planets in Taurus will square Pluto and sextile Jupiter-Uranus as we go through the month. Gemini Season is right around the corner, starting on the 20th, and this year, Gemini has special gifts coming in! We have a powerful and insanely spectacular Sagittarius Full Moon! This Full Moon is delicious, unbelievably positive, and an ideal time to plan a fun event! On this Full Moon, we have Venus and Jupiter meeting in Taurus(these are the 2 benefics, and Venus the Lesser Benefic is in her home sign!) Venus sextiles Neptune, then enters Gemini! Jupiter will then sextile Neptune and prepare to enter Gemini on 5/25! Gemini will remain in Gemini until 6/9/25! Gemini people, risings, and Gemini placements will get a special kiss from Jupiter! All of the Air signs, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, all get special kisses from Jupiter in Gemini. Jupiter is considered in its detriment in Gemini, so he's a little debilitated, but I'll take it! Geminis are protected by Jupiter for the next year! Did I mention my birthday is 5/26?! I'm excited! My son's birthday is 5/30, so we both have a big year ahead! Virgos also gets a magnificent boost from Jupiter in Gemini. Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, and Jupiter is answering to Mercury. 

Enjoy this fun, energetic month! Take a class, plan a trip, and plan fun events with family and friends! Gemini energy can be scattered, so try to avoid taking on too many projects! Gemini is a Jack/Jackie of all trades! 


 Neptune is at the final degree of Pisces now and will remain on this degree from now until the beginning of September!! Neptune in Pisces is at 29*. This is not only the final degree of Pisces, but it's the final degree of the ENTIRE ZODIAC! As if that wasn't enough, this degree is also where the Fixed Star Scheat is located. This star is associated with boating, swimming, lifeguards, the Coast Guard, the Navy, drowning, floods, misfortune, suffering, love of languages, erratic grief, jealousy, isolation, foot ailments, neuroses, creating own problems, and artistry. This makes for an incredibly intense time. Make mental health a priority! Anyone who struggles with addiction needs to double down now. 


This Week:

We clear Mercury Rx Shadow early Monday morning! Finally! Mercury has been in Aries since March, and we are finally closing out the never-ending Rx cycle! We have several activations of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction and the New Moon in Taurus. Early Monday morning, we have the annual Sun-Uranus conjunction; this is radical energy; expect changes, disruptions, and unexpected events. There could be power outages, volcanic eruptions, powerful storms, solar storms, and earthquakes today. Venus sextiles Saturn late Monday afternoon. We enter the 2nd Quarter phase of the Moon on Wednesday morning. Mercury finally leaves Aries and enters Taurus on Wednesday afternoon! Yay! Mercury is thrilled to be out of Aries, and as far as Mercury goes, it wraps up the Eclipse energy! I'm SO happy to have Mercury in grounded Taurus! Mercury squares Pluto early Friday morning, so we will feel this energy on Thursday. Mercury-Pluto squares can symbolize power struggles, power plays, and bullying. Stay centered and grounded. Act, don't react! This weekend is AMAZING! On Saturday, we have Venus conjunct with Uranus; this is an electrifying aspect. Try something new and different in love and relationships, change up your look and style, just don't do anything permanent! On Saturday afternoon, the Sun conjuncts Jupiter! This is a very lucky aspect! It's another annual aspect and brings good luck and good fortune! Saturday night is a lovely date night! Enjoy, but try to avoid overindulging!  On Sunday evening, the Sun sextiles Neptune enjoy a restful evening. 


Jupiter continues to conjunct the Fixed Star Algol! This is called the demon star! Algol is the star of violence, misfortune, losing one's head, suffocation, fires, artistry, music, crisis, throat ailments, and neck injuries. Jupiter expands whatever it touches!

I DO NOT recommend drinking alcohol while Jupiter is conjunct with this FIxed Star! Algol rules over alcohol and allows spirit possessions to take hold! That's why alcohol is called spirits! Protect yourself and your energy. Jupiter is exactly conjunct with this star until 5/12, but I would give it a few more days until it's completely away from Algol! Jupiter will enter Gemini on 5/25! Having Neptune at the end of Pisces and Jupiter conjunct Algol, I recommend cutting back or cutting out all Alcohol or drugs during this time! We are more sensitive now. Practice good self-care!



We enter the 2nd Quarter phase of the Moon this morning! We are building up to a glorious Sagittarius Full Moon next week! Mercury is at the final degree of Aries all morning and finally enters Taurus this afternoon! I am SO looking forward to this sign change! We have a big build-up in Taurus now, with the ruler of Taurus, Venus, also here in her home sign! The Moon wraps up in Leo early this afternoon, and the Moon is void until this evening when the Moon enters Virgo. 


The Moon is in Leo; the Moon in Leo is warm-hearted, loyal, generous, dramatic, proud, regal, paternalistic, creative, and dominating. 


Moon in Leo trines Mars in Aries at 2:49 am; our dreams are likely to be very active tonight. 


Moon in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus at 3:58 am; if you can't sleep, maybe it's best to just wake up and journal, meditate, or stretch. This aspect is disruptive. 


Moon in Leo squares Sun in Taurus at 7:48 am; we enter the 2nd Quarter phase of the Moon now. The Moon is growing in its Waxing phase. Squares invite us to take action. 


Moon in Leo squares Jupiter in Taurus at 12:41 pm; try to avoid overdoing and overcommitting today. Try your best, but know your limits. 


The Moon goes void of course at 12:41 pm with the square to Jupiter. The Moon is void for the rest of the afternoon. This is not the time for impulsive decisions. Void Moons invite us to work behind the scenes, organize, and clean. They are ideal times for rest, relaxation, and unplugging from the outer world. 

Avoid confrontations, arguments, and disputes. The Void Moon signifies that we are emotionally offline, so our emotional intelligence isn't functioning as it usually would. 


Mercury enters Taurus at 1:05 pm; WOOHOO! Mercury is finally off of the Eclipse axis and away from the Mercury Rx energies! It's been a long haul! Mercury has been in Aries since 3/10! It's time to enjoy the bounties of late Spring. Mercury in Taurus is answering to Venus in her home sign, co present with Mercury. Our minds and thoughts settle down; we can get mentally grounded and centered. Mercury in Taurus has a steady plodding pace. Enjoy beautiful words and poetry, and sing your favorite songs. 


Moon in Leo inconjuncts Neptune in Pisces at 4:12 pm; this is a blindsiding aspect. The Moon and Neptune are not communicating clearly and remember the Moon is void! This is a time when deceit, lies, and miscommunications can cause problems. Read between the lines. 


The Moon enters Virgo at 5:33 pm; the Moon in Virgo is discriminating, service-oriented, productive, health-conscious, technical, analytical, and critical. 

The Moon in Virgo loves to get organized, deep clean, and declutter; keep this Moon busy! Virgos love to work!


Moon in Virgo trines Mercury in Taurus at 6:04 pm; this is a delicious aspect! The Moon and Mercury are helping us to sort through our thoughts and feelings and decide what direction to take moving forward. This is an ideal time to have important conversations and make plans. 


Moon in Virgo inconjuncts Pluto Rx in Aquarius at 9:42 pm; overthinking causes discomfort and frustration. Look at the details, this is where the truth lives. 



This Week:


We have an exciting, action-packed week ahead! It's much more busy than last week was, so buckle up! Mercury clears its Rx shadow early Monday morning, followed by the Sun conjunct Uranus shortly after! This BIG aspect reactivates the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on 4/20 and the Taurus New Moon energies from last week! Expect changes, disruptions, and, in some cases, a bit of chaos! Monday afternoon, we have Venus sextile Saturn; this is an extremely supportive, loving, and fertile aspect! Venus rules Taurus and is exalted in Pisces, so she's happy! Saturn is exalted in Venus's sister sign, Libra, so Saturn is also getting some much-needed support. Wednesday is another big day! We enter the 2nd Quarter phase of the Moon, then Mercury leaves Taurus! Mercury has been in Aries since 3/10! Due to the Mercury Rx! I know that many people had an extremely challenging retrograde, myself included! Mercury in Taurus is all about beautiful words, steady, consistent thinking, and mental groundedness. I have Mercury in Taurus, and I LOVE it! On Thursday, Mercury squares Pluto very early this morning, and we will feel this energy building up from Thursday. This is an INTENSE aspect! Both Taurus and Aquarius are FIXED signs, so this is a stubborn aspect! This aspect can trigger power struggles, bullying, and power plays. Stand in your power center and avoid reactivity. We have a HUGE weekend ahead! Venus conjuncts Uranus in Taurus, once again activating the Jupiter-Uranus energy. Try something new and different. Avoid making radical changes, but shake things up in nonpermanent ways! This is an energetic upgrade in the Taurus part of our charts. This energy can signify huge changes in relationships and partnerships, focus on innovation; if you're over it, this is a great time to part ways. Saturday night is the perfect date night! The Sun conjuncts Jupiter in Taurus! This is also an annual aspect, again triggering the New Moon in Taurus and the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction! Expect BIG news in the world and your personal life! The Taurus part of our charts is lit up this weekend! Try to make it positive and enjoy! Venus is the Lesser Benefic in Taurus, and Jupiter, the Greater Benefic in Taurus, brings insights and good luck to this area. Mercury in Taurus is making sure that the messages are CLEAR! On Sunday, the Sun sextiles Neptune, go to the beach, rest, and relax. This is an ideal day for rejuvenation and restoration!





Sun conjuncts Uranus in Taurus.


Venus in Taurus sextiles Saturn in Pisces.


Moon wraps up in Cancer early this morning, goes void, and enters Leo early this morning.



The Moon is in Leo all day.



Mercury enters Taurus this afternoon!


The Moon wraps up in Leo early this afternoon and is void all afternoon, entering Virgo late this afternoon. 




The Moon is in Virgo all day. It's a quiet day.



Mercury in Taurus squares Pluto in Aquarius.


The Moon continues through Virgo.



Venus conjuncts Uranus in Taurus.


The Sun conjuncts Jupiter in Taurus.


The Moon is in Libra all day. It's a VERY Venusian day; enjoy!



Sun in Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces.


The Moon is in Libra all morning and goes void, of course, for the rest of the day!! 

The Moon will remain void all day on Monday, 5/20 as well!!


Daily Oracle

Wednesday 05/15/2024


Buffalo- Prayer & Abundance- REVERSED

To receive Buffalo upside-down signals that you have forgotten to seek help when it has been needed. If your hand is a closed fist, you cannot receive the bounty of abundance. In understanding the significance of the reversed Buffalo, you may well ask yourself.

1. Have I forgotten my eternal partner, the Great Spirit?
2. Am I pushing myself too fast in the physical world and keeping myself from seeing the importance of reunion with the Source of all life?
3. Have I forgotten to honor the ways of others and to afford them the same respect that I wish to receive for myself?
4. Am I feeling like my life is being used for the highest good at this time?
5. Have I forgotten to be grateful for my life, my possessions, my talents, my abilities, my health, my family, or my friends?
6. Is it time to make peace with another or to make peace with some inner conflict I have so that I may walk in balance again?

Become Buffalo. Feel the smoke of prayer.  Change your Buffalo robe to white so that you may be an answer to the prayers of the world. 


Protect your energy with Feng Shui

If you are going out to run errands or to work, make sure to wear bright colors. Dark colors, especially black, tend to absorb energy. That's the last thing that we want to do right now! Red is a powerful and commanding color. It is also very protective. White is the color of purity. Green is the color of health and healing. If you are wearing blue, make it royal blue or light blue.  Purple is called the Feng Shui beige because it works to your benefit in most scenarios, being a higher octave of red.  

 Bedroom Feng Shui

I love the look of plants in the bedroom, but did you know that it is said that plants in the bedroom drain your energy? Humans are considered to be an Earth element. Plants are the Wood element. In the 5 Element theory, Wood drains Earth energy. As always, do what is best for you! Take a look at your energy levels; if you have plants, pictures of flowers, or even plant patterns on your bedsheets, maybe begin trading them out.

Bedrooms do best with neutral colors, earthy colors. 

Plants in Bedroom
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